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14,000 Encroachments Surround Nankana Sahib

14,000 Encroachments Surround Nankana Sahib

The Federal Law and Justice Minister Azam Nazeer Tarar revealed in the National Assembly session that 14,000 encroachments and illegal constructions were detected on abandoned Waqf land in Nankana Sahib during a survey. He attributed these encroachments to influential individuals and some government departments.

Responding to a call attention notice presented by PML-N MNAs, Tarar emphasized the need for a robust operation against the encroachers, to be conducted in consultation with stakeholders. He assured full support to the Evacuee Trust Property Board (ETPB) in this endeavor and mentioned that the ETPB had sought assistance from the interior ministry for the removal of encroachments.

Tarar informed the House about the directives from the Supreme Court to establish a commission on this matter, with Dr. Shoaib Suddle leading the efforts. The Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) has also been tasked with addressing encroachments in Nankana Sahib.

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He highlighted that illegal settlements and towns occupied 1,447 acres in Nankana Sahib, including a 12-acre cemetery. Tarar stressed that removing these encroachments required a major operation and clarified the government’s policy on the matter.

The issue of encroachments in Nankana Sahib has been longstanding, as evidenced by a clash in 2016 between police officials and illegal occupants, resulting in injuries. Tarar mentioned the involvement of an MPA in backing the illegal occupants during that incident.

Responding to another notice, Tarar outlined the government’s efforts to diversify the energy mix to provide affordable electricity. He mentioned plans to establish a factory in Pakistan, with China’s assistance, to manufacture solar panels locally and reduce costs.
