The ICC World Cup 2023, among the most colossal sporting spectacles globally, unfolded in India, marking an unforgettable event. Guided by Rohit Sharma, the Indian cricket team displayed stellar performances throughout the tournament, maintaining an unbeaten streak until the pivotal ICC World Cup 2023 Finals against Australia, where they ultimately conceded the trophy.
India’s defeat to Australia left the nation in disarray, with widespread dismay and despondency permeating the country in the aftermath of the unexpected loss. The devastating outcome led to distressing incidents, with reports emerging of two Indian fans purportedly taking their own lives in West Bengal’s Bankura and Odisha’s Jajpur.
Rahul Lohar, 23, tragically ended his life near a local movie theatre around 11 pm on Sunday, succumbing to the distress following India’s defeat. In a heart-wrenching incident, he was found hanging in his room. Simultaneously in Odisha’s Jajpur, a 23-year-old, Dev Ranjan Das, was discovered hanging from a terrace following the conclusion of the match. Das, known to be undergoing treatment for emotional disorder syndrome, left his home in a state of shock after India’s loss.
Another heart-rending incident involved the reported demise of a software engineer from Andhra Pradesh’s Tirupati district due to a cardiac arrest subsequent to India’s loss.
The grandeur of the World Cup culminated in a 1,32,000-seated stadium, where Australia secured victory by six wickets in the finals, shattering the aspirations of 1.4 billion Indians and leaving an indelible mark of sorrow across the nation.