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CDA Sets Strict Social Media Rules for Officers and Employees

CDA Sets Strict Social Media Rules for Officers and Employees

In an effort to oversee the online conduct of its officers and employees, the Capital Development Authority (CDA) has introduced stringent guidelines governing the use of social media.

As per the written instructions issued by the CDA administration, all officers and employees are required to exercise caution on various social media platforms, including Twitter, WhatsApp, Instagram, and others. The guidelines explicitly prohibit the sharing of government information or documents through personal accounts.

The circular outlines expectations for CDA officers and employees to maintain impartiality and refrain from participating in discussions on social media that favor or oppose any political party or cause. Sharing unauthorized information is strictly forbidden, and caution is advised against making comments related to any group, religion, or faction.

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The directives, clearly stated in writing, emphasize that all CDA employees within the establishment division of the Government of Pakistan must strictly adhere to the social media guidelines issued on August 25, 2021.

The circular further underscores that CDA officers should follow the same instructions applicable to government servants when speaking at public forums or publishing articles in print media. Rule 18 of the Rules dictates that they must avoid unauthorized disclosure of official information or sharing official documents via social media, emphasizing the importance of maintaining confidentiality in their duties.

To maintain impartiality and objectivity, officers are instructed to refrain from participating in discussions on social media, avoiding the exchange or forwarding of information expressing their opinions on political matters. Strict prohibition is placed on the dissemination of unauthentic and misleading information, especially related to government affairs.

The guidelines also stress that officers should avoid making disparaging remarks targeting individuals, groups, sects, or faiths, while encouraging them to uphold the values guiding civil service standards. Officers are advised to exercise discretion and moderation in their use of social media, consistently upholding high standards of propriety.
