Pakistan’s all-rounder, Shoaib Malik, and actor Sana Javed surprised their fans with the announcement of their marriage on Saturday. The couple shared pictures from their wedding on their social media accounts, including Twitter and Instagram.
In their posts, Shoaib and Sana expressed gratitude, stating, “Alhamdullilah. And We created you in pairs.”
Initially, many were taken aback, speculating that the pictures were part of a photoshoot. However, Sana added credibility to the news by updating her Instagram bio to “Sana Shoaib Malik.”
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Sources from Shoaib Malik’s family, as reported by Geo News, confirmed the marriage, revealing that the ceremony took place in Karachi a few days before the public announcement.
Malik’s manager, Arsalan Shah, also officially confirmed the news on Twitter, stating, “Confirmation: Our beloved superstar @realshoaibmalik has tied the knot (Nikkah) with #SanaJaved. Wishing the new couple an amazing life ahead filled with happiness and joy! #ShoaibMalik.”