Renowned journalist and filmmaker Reham Khan is gearing up for her return to the silver screen with her upcoming Pakistani-Punjabi film titled “Cheema, Chatta and Bajwa.” Following the success of her debut film production “Janaan” in 2016, Khan aims to leave another impactful mark on the Pakistani cinema landscape.
Khan’s multifaceted involvement in the project as both a producer and writer highlights her dedication to championing diverse voices and narratives within the industry. The film serves as a testament to her creative vision and storytelling prowess.
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Building upon the acclaim garnered by “Janaan,” praised for its heartfelt narrative and stellar performances, Khan’s latest venture promises to enthrall audiences once more.
The announcement of “Cheema, Chatta, and Bajwa” has sparked considerable anticipation among fans and cinephiles, who eagerly await the chance to experience Khan’s distinctive storytelling style once again.
In a personal note, Reham Khan entered her third marriage with Bilal in December of the previous year. Her marital journey includes her first marriage to Ijaz Rehman in 1993, followed by divorce in 2005. She later married former Prime Minister Imran Khan in 2014, with their union ending in divorce a year later.