Indian actor Sonam Bajwa recently expressed her heartfelt desire to visit Pakistan during an interview with a local television network. Renowned for her work in Punjabi cinema, Sonam shared her eagerness to explore the cultural richness of Pakistan and visit her many friends there.
In Punjabi, she conveyed, “My heart is really set on coming to Pakistan. I have many friends there. Hopefully, I will visit. To all those watching and listening, lots of love to you from my end. I am immensely grateful for the love you all shower on me.”
Sonam’s statement not only reflects her genuine interest in experiencing Pakistan’s cultural diversity but also underscores the warmth and appreciation she holds for her fans across the border. As an artist in the vibrant world of Punjabi cinema, her sentiments highlight the potential for artistic collaboration and the unifying power of the entertainment industry.
During the interview, when asked if she had a message for her Pakistani fans, Sonam responded with a smile, expressing her love for them and mentioning her interactions with them on Twitter. Her excitement was met with cheers from fans nearby.
In a Twitter Q&A session, a fan expressed the desire for Sonam to visit Pakistan, to which she responded affirmatively, stating, “I’m coming this year,” accompanied by a shushing emoji.
The anticipation from fans and well-wishers on both sides of the border reflects the hope for Sonam’s visit to Pakistan, seen as a symbolic celebration of shared culture and the enduring spirit of friendship between India and Pakistan.