The late-night arrival of an ambulance and doctors at the Bani Gala residence of jailed former prime minister Imran Khan, where his wife Bushra Bibi is imprisoned, triggered panic. The Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) has repeatedly claimed that Bushra Bibi, the former First Lady, is being poisoned under house arrest.
After the ambulance and doctors arrived at Bani Gala, PTI lawyer Naeem Panjutha and some other members of Khan’s party reached the scene to inquire about Bushra Bibi’s health. However, the ambulance quickly left before they could get an update.
Also Read: PTI Raises Concerns Over Bushra Bibi’s Health at Banigala
Bushra Bibi’s lawyer, Intazar Hussain Panjutha, later stated that she has been poisoned and is unable to speak due to her deteriorating health. He mentioned that recent medical reports confirmed the poisoning, alleging that Bushra Bibi was given toilet cleaner Harpic in her food, damaging her digestive system.
According to Panjutha, Bushra Bibi was not feeling well when taken to the hospital, suffering from chest pain. Doctors suspected a heart problem. He noted that Bushra Bibi was previously in good health before imprisonment but is now suffering from ulcers in the stomach and digestive tract. Panjutha, also the focal person for Imran Khan, emphasized the need for Bushra Bibi to receive poison-free food and highlighted her current inability to speak as a result of the poisoning.