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Identifying Social Evils and Suggestions for the Current Government

Sometimes the days are long, sometimes the nights, but the flight of inflation always rises.

The situation in Pakistan seems close to critical. Human life revolves around earning money and securing better facilities. Essentials such as food, housing, electricity, gas, phone, mobile, and internet services are now considered luxuries. The increase of 18 to 20 percent tax on basic necessities like flour and rice has made life unbearable for the Pakistani people.

The Pakistani populace is becoming poorer while feeding the IPPs, but the rich are getting richer. The whole country is engulfed in a market of exploitation. Everyone is busy looting others according to their power and scope, while the public, instead of working honestly, is caught up in individualistic selfishness.

For example, if you tell a shopkeeper that the retail price of a half-liter bottle of 7up is 63 rupees, with 12 rupees per bottle as sales tax, and they are charging 110 rupees, they will start to fight and be rude. Initially, they might say that the bottle is not sold at the price printed on it, but when they have no other argument, they will resort to quarrels and abuse.

This is a simple example. Our people turn every task and business, from a straw to an airplane, into illicit earnings, and we take pride in it.

We are so accustomed to blaming our mistakes on others that even if someone jokingly tells another that they did something wrong, they will immediately shift the blame.

For example, if someone parks wrongly somewhere and someone points it out, they will fight but still park the car in the wrong place.

This arrogance and egotism in our behavior only awakens in Pakistan. The same people, when they go abroad, follow all laws and ethics.

Suggestions for the Current Government

To eradicate social evils and improve the lives of the people, the current government needs to take effective steps. Here are some important suggestions that could prove beneficial for the government:

1. Curbing Inflation

Inflation has made life unbearable for the people. The prices of essential items have increased tremendously, making life difficult for the common man. The government should:

  • Price Control: Monitor prices strictly and prevent unjustified increases.
  • Subsidies: Provide subsidies on essential items to offer relief to the public.
  • Agricultural Policy: Promote the agricultural sector to increase food production and stabilize food prices.

2. Eradicating Corruption

Corruption is a scourge that is the biggest hindrance to the country’s development. The government should:

  • Strict Laws: Enact strict laws against corruption and ensure their implementation.
  • Transparency: Ensure transparency in every government institution and bring all matters before the public.
  • Accountability: Establish an effective accountability system that takes action against those involved in corruption without discrimination.

3. Eliminating Dishonesty

Dishonesty is weakening our social structure. To eliminate it, it is necessary to:

  • Educational Reforms: Include education on ethics and honesty in the curriculum.
  • Social Awareness: Raise awareness among the public that dishonesty is harmful both socially and personally.
  • Strong Laws: Enforce strict laws in every business sector to eliminate dishonesty.

4. Ending Selfishness

Selfishness is a disease that is eroding social cooperation. The government should:

  • Collective Efforts: Promote collective efforts so that people work together for the country’s development.
  • Social Projects: Create social projects that bring people closer and foster a spirit of cooperation.
  • Mental Training: Train the public mentally to prioritize collective benefit over selfish interests.

5. Providing Public Facilities

The government must fulfill its responsibility to provide facilities to the public in return for the taxes collected. For this, the government should:

  • Educational Facilities: Establish quality educational institutions so that every child can receive an education.
  • Healthcare Facilities: Invest in the health sector to provide quality medical facilities to every individual.
  • Basic Infrastructure: Ensure the provision of basic facilities such as roads, water, electricity, and gas.


For the country’s development, it is essential to eradicate social evils and provide basic facilities to the public. The current government should implement these suggestions to improve the country’s condition and make life easier for the people. The public should also understand their responsibilities and support the government so that we can build a better and developed Pakistan.

Muhammad Aasif

Muhammad Aasif is a seasoned media professional with over 22 years of experience. He has served as bureau chief for the regional Urdu daily Pakhtoon Khaw News Mardan in Islamabad and worked as a crime reporter for Weekly Humshehri from 2008 to 2013. Aasif is dedicated to delivering accurate and impactful journalism, addressing important societal issues through his work.
