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Pakistan Experiences Internet Slowdown as Government Increases Surveillance

Internet service providers in Pakistan are experiencing significant slowdowns, which they attribute to heightened government surveillance efforts aimed at boosting security. The Wireless and Internet Service Providers Association of Pakistan (WISPAP) reports that these measures have inadvertently weakened the country’s digital economy.

WISPAP indicates that internet speeds have decreased by 30 to 40 percent in recent weeks, affecting businesses and individuals reliant on consistent connectivity. This decline has had the most severe impact on sectors such as call centres, e-commerce, and online businesses, leading some to consider relocating their operations to countries with more stable internet services.

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WISPAP Chairman Shahzad Arshad expressed serious concerns about the worsening situation, noting that many customers are leaving smaller ISPs due to declining service quality. He warned that continued disruptions could drive a significant number of businesses out of Pakistan, further harming the economy.

The deteriorating internet services have damaged Pakistan’s standing as a hub for digital entrepreneurship and are posing a threat to economic stability. Enhanced surveillance measures, including VPN restrictions, have particularly affected international businesses and freelancers, leading industry leaders to warn that the ongoing internet issues may force operations abroad if the situation does not improve.
