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Mediator Faisal Warns: Saudi Ties with Israel Risk Igniting Global Fury

In an exclusive interview with News Guru, International Mediator and World Peace Mission head, Faisal Muhammad, strongly supported Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman’s concerns over establishing ties with Israel. Faisal argued that after the tragic events in Gaza, where thousands of Palestinian Muslims were killed, Israel’s image as a peace-loving state is questionable. Recognizing Israel now, he warns, could spark outrage across the Arab and Muslim world.

Faisal emphasized that true peace in the Middle East hinges on the creation of two independent states, with ironclad assurances that Israel won’t block the establishment of a sovereign Palestinian state. Given the history of American weapons devastating Gaza, he urged caution in trusting Israel’s promises.

He also raised alarms about the evolving secretive deal between Saudi Arabia and the U.S., which includes security guarantees and economic investments. Faisal warned that this could lead to Saudi Arabia becoming overly reliant on the U.S., potentially distancing it from key allies like China and Russia and paving the way for increased American influence in the Middle East.
