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Punjab CM Maryam Nawaz Labels Lahore College Rape Allegations as ‘Fabricated Case’

Punjab CM Maryam Nawaz Labels Lahore College Rape Allegations as 'Fabricated Case'

Punjab Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz has rejected the allegations of a rape case involving a student at a private college in Lahore, labeling the incident as fabricated.

She explained that after the story gained widespread attention, a detailed investigation was carried out over several days, ultimately concluding that no such incident had taken place.

During a press conference in Lahore, Maryam Nawaz stated, “I personally oversaw the final meeting of the investigative committee and am presenting the facts today. As both a mother and the chief executive of the province, it is my duty to protect the dignity of women. The police initially received a report alleging the rape of a student at a private college in Punjab.”

Read more: “No Rape, Just Domestic Injury”: Father of Lahore Punjab College Student Responds Amid Public Outrage

She added that the alleged incident was reported to have occurred on the 10th, but the girl had actually been hospitalized since the 2nd after suffering a critical injury from a fall, and had been in the ICU. The girl was wrongly portrayed as a victim of rape.

Maryam Nawaz also mentioned that she spoke with the girl’s mother, who is deeply distressed. The mother, who has four other unmarried daughters, expressed her wish that those responsible for fabricating the story be exposed and punished.

The Punjab CM further said, “Students were led to believe that such an incident had taken place, and false accusations were spread on social media, creating an issue out of nothing. A campaign was launched by misleading the students. I’ve concluded that after the failure of multiple rallies and protests, a vile and dangerous conspiracy was devised at a time when the SCO summit was taking place and world leaders were present in Lahore.”

She alleged that the political party PTI, which she referred to as a “terrorist organization,” was behind this conspiracy, using children to spread false claims, and having loyal journalists and vloggers amplify the misinformation. A girl was presented as a supposed eyewitness, claiming she heard noises and saw locked rooms in the basement, after which Rescue 1122 was called.

However, Nawaz said, “Our investigation found that Rescue 1122 was not called on the day of the alleged incident or the following days. I obtained footage of the basement, and there were no locks present. Moreover, the girl presented as an eyewitness wasn’t even from that campus. Her statement was edited to hide this fact.”

At this point, Maryam Nawaz presented the girl in question via video to the media.

The CM further elaborated that the girl in question had been treated at several hospitals and was not even at the college on the day the incident was reported, as she had been hospitalized. The guard who was accused was on leave, and after being arrested in Sargodha, he was investigated.

It was falsely claimed that footage had been deleted, but students were misled into protesting without fully understanding the facts.

Nawaz emphasized that there were no witnesses because no rape had taken place. “They kept looking for the alleged victim, but she wasn’t a victim of rape—she was a victim of political manipulation. A false story was concocted, and social media was flooded with misinformation. At one point, it was claimed in a video that the girl had died, but that was quickly proven false. The individual who spread the fake news later issued a retraction and clarification.”

The CM noted that although the police wanted the girl to file a formal complaint, she preferred that the government take charge of the case.

Maryam Nawaz also vowed a crackdown on anyone involved, whether journalists, members of PTI, or PML-Q.

At the same press conference, PTI leader Zartaj Gul’s sister, Professor Shabnam Gul of Lahore College for Women, also spoke. Seated next to the CM, she clarified, “I was called for the investigation. I did not come forward for any political party. I chaired the sexual harassment committee and assured the students during the investigation. I did not incite any protest but rather advised the girls to approach the Vice Chancellor. Someone from outside influenced the girls, which led to their participation in the protest.”
