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Nomophobia: The Growing Fear of Being Without Your Phone


Nomophobia, or the fear of being without your mobile phone, is a modern-day issue that’s affecting more than just our daily routines – it’s even disrupting our sleep. This phobia, first coined in 2008, triggers anxiety when access to one’s phone is lost, with symptoms such as a racing heart and trembling.

A 2023 study published in Healthcare highlighted how nomophobia is linked to sleep disturbances, mainly due to the blue light emitted by phones, which hampers melatonin production. The result? Trouble falling asleep, even as we try to wind down with our screens.

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Many, like university student Mikael, struggle with this issue. He shares how scrolling through social media has become his nightly routine, despite knowing it’s unhealthy. Apps like Instagram and YouTube may seem like relaxation tools, but they’re keeping users awake, fostering an unhealthy cycle.

Experts suggest activities like journaling or yoga to break free from phone anxiety. These non-tech practices offer a structured way to relax, signaling to the brain that it’s time to sleep, without the endless ping of notifications.
