Pakistani cricket presenter and host Zainab Abbas has joyfully announced the birth of her second child through a heartfelt Instagram post. The post featured two beautiful photos capturing the special moment with her newborn son.
Zainab expressed her excitement with a loving message: “Life update: T’s little brother has arrived just in time to ring in the New Year. Haider Hamza Kardar bringing in so much joy and love to the family, not to forget some precious sleepless nights too.”
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The first photo showed Zainab cradling her newborn in a sunlit room, while the second photo featured her eldest child, smiling while holding his baby brother. Her followers quickly filled the comment section with warm congratulatory messages.
Zainab gave birth to her first child in 2021. Known for her work as a sports presenter and commentator, she is one of the most influential figures in Pakistan’s sports media. She married Hamza Kardar in 2019, the son of former finance minister and ex-governor of the State Bank of Pakistan, Shahid Hafeez Kardar.