A case has been registered against YouTuber Rajab Butt in Karachi for allegedly creating content that offends religious sentiments, according to local police reports. The case, filed at Hyderi Police Station, follows a court order prompted by a complaint accusing the YouTuber of disrespecting Islamic values.
The complainant’s lawyer, Riaz Ali, stated that the court moved forward after hearing their arguments and directed the police to take necessary action. “Our next goal is to ensure the arrest of Rajab Butt,” said Riaz Ali, emphasizing the seriousness of the charges.
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The complainant’s legal team expressed hope that this case would serve as a warning to others. Riaz Ali remarked, “This case will set an example. In the future, anyone intending to disrespect Islamic values will think twice.”
Authorities are now investigating the allegations as legal proceedings against Rajab Butt begin to unfold.