The attack on Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan early Thursday morning has taken a strange twist, with Mumbai Police suggesting that the assailant may have been inside the actor’s Bandra residence before the violent encounter. Initially believed to be a robbery attempt, the investigation now raises more questions as CCTV footage reveals no one entered the housing society in the two hours leading up to the attack.
The incident occurred around 2:30 AM when Saif was stabbed multiple times by an intruder. A female member of his team was also injured and rushed to the hospital. Fortunately, she is stable, but Saif is under medical supervision at Lilavati Hospital.
Read more: Bollywood Star Saif Ali Khan Injured in Knife Attack During Mumbai Robbery
Deputy Commissioner of Police Dixit Gedam confirmed that Saif was attacked inside his home and taken to the hospital around 3:00 AM. Police arrived at the scene shortly afterward. While initially suspected to be a burglary, CCTV footage from two hours before the attack shows no suspicious activity, leading police to believe the attacker may have been inside the residence for some time.
As the investigation into the attack on Saif Ali Khan continues, Mumbai Police have launched an extensive probe, with at least seven teams working to identify the assailant and explore all possible leads. In a surprising twist, sources revealed that the security guard at the complex did not observe anyone entering the premises at the time of the attack. “There are many unanswered questions. We are examining all angles and questioning staff members for more details,” said a senior police official.
Five members of Saif’s household staff, including attendants, are being questioned. Police believe the attacker was likely familiar with the layout of the residence. One of the attendants sustained injuries during the altercation but is in stable condition.
While authorities have not confirmed whether the attack was a robbery attempt, police are remaining tight-lipped about further details.
In response, Kareena Kapoor Khan, Saif’s wife, reassured the public that the rest of the family was safe and thanked fans for their support. Although she was not home at the time, the actress explained on social media that she was at a dinner gathering with friends. Her response has been widely praised for providing clarity during this uncertain period.
Saif and Kareena had only recently returned to Mumbai after a family vacation in Switzerland. With Saif’s health still under observation and many questions surrounding the motive and identity of the attacker, speculation continues among fans and the media.
Mumbai Police are concentrating on gathering forensic evidence from the crime scene and examining all available leads. Authorities have assured the public that updates will be provided as more information becomes available.
As the investigation progresses, the mystery surrounding the attack on Bollywood’s beloved Saif Ali Khan intensifies, with his recovery remaining the central focus for his family, fans, and the media.
While Saif Ali Khan’s team has urged the media and fans to remain patient and avoid speculation, the investigation suggests the attack may be more complicated than initially thought. With no signs of forced entry, police are working to determine whether the attacker had prior knowledge of the actor’s residence and security protocols.