Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan expressed gratitude to Bhajan Singh Rana, the auto-rickshaw driver who rushed him to Lilavati Hospital after a violent robbery attempt at his Bandra home on January 16.
The meeting took place on Tuesday, shortly before Saif was discharged. Photos shared on social media show Saif posing with Rana, thanking him for his timely help. “Bhajan Singh Rana helped me at a crucial time,” Saif said, jokingly adding, “Don’t worry about the fare, it will be taken care of.”
Also Read: Saif Ali Khan Discharged After Stabbing Incident, Makes First Public Appearance
Rana recounted the night’s events, describing how he responded to a distress call and drove Saif, who was in pain, to the hospital at 3 a.m. Saif’s mother, Sharmila Tagore, also thanked Rana, encouraging him to continue helping others.
Police later apprehended the attacker, Mohammad Shariful Islam Shehzad, who confessed to stabbing Saif during the failed robbery attempt.