A WhatsApp group administrator has been arrested for allegedly allowing a derogatory post targeting Punjab Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz to circulate in the group, under the Prevention of Electronic Crimes Act (PECA) 2016. The case, filed at Farid Nagar police station, accuses a group member of sharing the offensive content while the admin reportedly ignored its removal.
The First Information Report (FIR) filed on January 23 highlights that the post, containing “dirty language,” was uploaded by a group member. The administrator, a resident of Shaheed Nagar, is accused of failing to delete the defamatory post despite knowing it was “immoral, offensive, and illegal,” and allowing other group members to view it.
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Violations under Section 20 of PECA, related to offenses against the dignity of a natural person, and Section 509 of the Pakistan Penal Code (PPC), concerning insulting modesty or causing sexual harassment, were cited in the FIR.
District Police Officer (DPO) Pakpattan, Javed Iqbal Chaddar, confirmed the arrest and explained that the group admin was detained after a malicious post about the Punjab CM went viral on social media. Sub-Inspector Muhammad Mansha, the complainant, filed the case, and SHO Rana Shehzad Akram led the arrest.
The DPO stated that the police acted swiftly and are committed to investigating the misuse of social media to spread hate or unrest. “Further investigation is underway,” he added, signaling a firm stance against the misuse of digital platforms.