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Qureshi criticises the government’s ‘lack of response’ to the US-India joint declaration. Copy

Qureshi criticises the government's 'lack of response' to the US-India joint declaration.

Ex-foreign minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi slammed the coalition administration on Sunday for failing to respond to a joint statement released by the US and India, which urged Pakistan to crack down on extremists who attack New Delhi.

On Thursday, US President Joe Biden rolled out the red carpet for Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi at the White House, where the two countries finalised massive defence and technology deals as Washington places a large bet on India as a counterweight to China.

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In an apparent attempt to use the visit to advance India’s agenda against Islamabad, the two heads of state released a joint statement late Thursday calling on Pakistan to crack down on extremists who target New Delhi. The declaration also advocated for action against Pakistan-based extremist organisations.

The Foreign Office (FO) called the comment “misleading and unwarranted,” saying it “violates diplomatic norms and has political overtones,” while Defence Minister Khawaja Asif said the US president should “consider facts the next time he fetes the butcher of Gujarat.”

Qureshi, speaking to the media in Multan today, said he was “pained” to see the joint declaration published following Biden and Modi’s meeting in Washington.

“This was a bilateral visit, and he has the right to do so.” They got together and talked about it. But reading the joint declaration issued after the meeting as a former Pakistani foreign minister gave me immense grief.”

He claimed that the statement ignored Pakistan’s economic and human losses in the war against terrorism.

“And then, disregarding diplomatic norms, Pakistan is made a target of criticism in a bilateral meeting.” “This was impolite,” he said.

At the same time, Qureshi stated that he was “amazed” that no one in Pakistan was speaking out. He stated that he expressed his opinions and “disappointment” on the subject yesterday outside an anti-terrorism court and will do so again today.

While Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif was in France performing “mango salesmanship,” the PTI leader stated, he should have responded to the statement issued by the US and India.

“Has our foreign minister said anything about this?” What larger venue exists than the Assembly […] there is no discussion on this?” He inquired.

He added that the FO spokeswoman had released a statement, but it was “insufficient.”

“She responded correctly. However, it does not have the same weight as one issued by a political, elected leadership. So, I’m sorry to say that the administration did not take the necessary responsibility.”

Qureshi went on to say that the US could not overlook Pakistan’s cooperation in the battle against terrorism. “Terrorism is a global phenomenon […] it is not limited to our immediate vicinity.” And Pakistan was and is prepared to respond. We have always stated that we are willing to work with the US to combat terrorism.”

He claimed that the joint statement, which was aimed at Pakistan, failed to highlight Indian atrocities against the people of occupied Kashmir. “It isn’t mentioned anywhere. The treatment of minorities, particularly Muslims […] is not mentioned, and we remain mute.”
