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AJK Prolongs School Winter Vacation Due To Chilly Weather

AJK Prolongs School Winter Vacation Due To Chilly Weather

In Bhimber, Azad Jammu and Kashmir, a change in plans has been announced regarding the reopening of schools. Initially scheduled for January 5, the reopening has been postponed, and all educational institutions will now resume activities on January 15 due to the prevailing cold weather conditions in the region.

The Bhimbhar Deputy Commissioner shared this updated information, emphasizing the necessity of extending winter vacations for schools in AJK, particularly in areas experiencing extreme weather conditions. According to the official notification, schools failing to adhere to this extension would face consequences, including the possibility of having their registrations canceled.

Read more : Schools and Colleges: Winter Holiday Extension is Official

Mirza Arshad Jaral, the Deputy Commissioner, stressed the importance of prioritizing students’ health and warned against any negligence in this regard. The decision to extend the winter break reflects a commitment to ensuring the well-being of students during harsh weather conditions.

Initially, the winter break was slated to conclude on January 5. However, the extension until January 15 has been deemed necessary due to the severity of the cold weather persisting in the region. This adjustment aims to provide students and educational staff with a safer environment, considering the challenges posed by the extreme weather.

Notably, the caretaker government in Punjab had previously decided to prolong school vacations in Lahore and other cities until January 9. Consequently, both private and public schools are anticipated to resume normal operations on the 10th of this month. The synchronized effort to adjust school schedules underscores the shared concern for the well-being of students across different regions affected by adverse weather conditions.
