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Anti-Narcotics Force Strikes Hard Against Trafficking, Targets Suspects Near Educational Institutes

In a significant move to counter the drug menace, the Anti-Narcotics Force (ANF) has taken a bold step by apprehending five individuals and confiscating a substantial haul of over 20 kilograms of illicit drugs. The operation, aimed at tackling drug trafficking, has sent shockwaves through the illegal drug trade circuit.

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According to the spokesperson of the ANF, the agency has escalated its efforts to curb the illegal drug trade, leading to the arrest of five suspects, among them a woman named Shazia, Amjad, Aslam, Tanzeel, and Saddam. These individuals are believed to be actively involved in the distribution of narcotics within close proximity to educational institutions in Karachi.

The authorities have disclosed that the seized contraband includes a staggering 16 kilograms of heroin, four kilograms of ICE (Crystal Methamphetamine), and three kilograms of hashish. This significant quantity of narcotics underscores the gravity of the situation and the ANF’s determination to put an end to drug-related activities that endanger society, particularly among the youth.

The ANF officials have taken swift action, registering cases under the Anti-Narcotics Act against the arrested culprits. The operation serves as a resounding message that law enforcement agencies are unwavering in their commitment to combat the narcotics trade and safeguard the well-being of communities.

This operation not only highlights the diligence of the ANF in their pursuit of eradicating drug trafficking but also emphasizes the importance of collaborative efforts between law enforcement and citizens in curbing the drug menace. As the legal proceedings unfold, the nation’s attention remains focused on the relentless efforts to ensure a safer future for all.
