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PPP Faces Challenges in Attracting Electable Candidates from Balochistan

PPP Faces Challenges in Attracting Electable Candidates from Balochistan

As the PPP strategically canvasses across provinces in pursuit of its political influence and voter base, it faces a twofold challenge—securing the allegiance of influential candidates and effectively translating the gathered public support into a potential voting bloc in the upcoming elections next year.

This reality became evident after the PPP orchestrated an impressive political rally in Balochistan on Friday, marking its significant return to the province after more than a decade. The event drew considerable crowds of supporters from various regions of Balochistan, with PPP workers from Sindh further amplifying the turnout on the occasion of the party’s 56th foundation day.

Also Read: PPP Criticizes the PML-N for ‘Altering its Stance’ on Elections

PPP decision-makers Asif Ali Zardari and party Chairman Bilawal Bhutto Zardari, in their impassioned speeches, declared Balochistan as the heart of Pakistan and highlighted the party’s policies, including the 18th Amendment, NFC Award, and Aghaz-e-Haqooq Balochistan package.

However, despite these efforts, the challenge of securing support from influential ‘electables’ in Balochistan remains elusive for the PPP. Transforming the gathered crowd into a cohesive voting bloc poses a significant hurdle. The public gathering followed PML-N leader Nawaz Sharif’s successful Quetta visit in November, where he garnered the support of over 70% of influential figures from the region, dealing a setback to the PPP.

Now, Zardari is focused on courting influential figures in Balochistan to build a potential provincial government, engaging in a series of meetings with ‘electables,’ including former Balochistan CM Jam Kamal Khan, alongside Bilawal.

However, a majority of these influential figures, such as Kamal and others, have already aligned themselves with the PML-N. During Nawaz Sharif’s visit, crucial discussions took place with leaders from Balochistan Awami Party (BAP), Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam (F), National Party, and Pashtoonkhwa Milli Awami Party (PkMAP) regarding potential electoral alliances for the upcoming general elections.

On the contrary, leaders from major political parties did not hold significant meetings with Bilawal and Zardari. The effectiveness of the Sharif father-daughter duo in strategizing for the upcoming elections appeared more impactful compared to the Bhutto father-son duo, considering their engagements and discussions.

In a parallel development, former President Zardari arrived in Lahore on Friday for a three-day stay, attending a wedding ceremony and chairing various meetings focusing on election-related matters. PPP leaders in Punjab and Lahore are expected to hold discussions with Zardari during his visit.
