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Asad Umar resigns as PTI secretary general after another setback.

Asad Umar, the secretary general of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI), made the announcement immediately after being freed from Adiala Jail, dealing another serious blow to former prime minister Imran Khan.

On Wednesday, he made his choice known at a news conference held at the National news Club in Islamabad.

“Under these conditions, I am unable to serve as the party leader. Speaking at the news conference, he declared, “I am leaving my positions as PTI’s Secretary General and a core committee member.

According to Asad Umar, the attack on military sites on May 9 was the riskiest event to have occurred. “In my opinion, Imran Khan best explains the role of the army in Pakistan.

He said that if it weren’t for the might of our army, we may have suffered a similar fate as Syria. Khan SB said that my army is more important to my country than I am.

He stated that the events on May 9 are not only regrettable but also cause for reflection on our progress. “I believe that individuals responsible for these acts should be the subject of an open investigation. However, hundreds of PTI employees and supporters were detained; many of them are innocent, therefore it’s critical that they get freed as quickly as possible, he said.

Asad stated in response to a query that he had not actually quit the party, merely his position as secretary general.

Umar stated that he had resigned from his position as the secretary general and core committee member rather than completely leaving the party in answer to a query. He highlighted that his choice had not been affected by any “external pressure” and had been voluntary.

Also read: Another devastating blow, as Fawad Chaudhry leaves PTI.

The army, according to the former finance minister, is made up of thousands of troops who give their lives for the protection of the country, not just a select few generals whose names are mentioned on television.

“For the past three generations, my family has had a connection to the military. Members of my family have fought in battles throughout the last year, from the war in 1965 to the war on terror, he said.

An army is only effective when the country supports it, the PTI leader claimed, but what was saw on May 9 is worrisome.

It sent a completely incorrect message. It is imperative that individuals responsible for the incident are held accountable after an open inquiry. The innocent, however, need to be released. Many of the thousands of party members who were jailed, in the PTI leader’s estimation, were innocent. The need of bringing those responsible for vandalism accountable was accepted by him, nevertheless.
