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Audio-leaks The Judicial Commission’s hearings will be open to the public.

A judicial panel headed by Justice Qazi Faez Isa agreed on Monday to make the proceedings of a committee established to look into “audio leaks” public.

The first meeting to look into the Supreme Court audio leaks was presided over by Justice Qazi Faez Isa, the chairman of the judicial panel. Both Chief Justice Amir Farooq of the High Court of Islamabad and Chief Justice Naeem Akhtar Afghan of the High Court of Balochistan were present. In attendance at the commission’s inaugural meeting was the attorney general, Mansoor Usman Awan.

Justice Qazi asked the attorney general whether statute the government had constituted the commission in accordance with. According to the Attorney General, this body was established under the 2016 body of Inquiry Act.

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The Audio Leaks Judicial Commission has stated that it will make the sessions public and that it would consider a request for in-camera proceedings if a serious issue arises.

Under the leadership of Senior Puisne Judge Justice Qazi Faez Isa of the Supreme Court, the federal government appointed a three-person judicial panel to look into the veracity of audio leaks and their implications for the independence of the judiciary.

During a meeting of the federal cabinet on Friday, the decision was made official. Members of the commission include the chief justices of the Islamabad High Court, Aamer Farooq, and the Balochistan High Court, Naeem Akhtar Afghan.
