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Bilawal Vows to Put an End to Political Imprisonment

Bilawal Vows to Put an End to Political Imprisonment

Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) Chairman Bilawal Bhutto Zardari delivered a speech at a public gathering in Chiniot, where he made significant promises ahead of the upcoming elections. Bilawal assured the people that if the PPP comes to power, there will be no political prisoners in the country, aiming to end the politics of hate and revenge. He urged voters to choose the arrow, the symbol of PPP, over the tiger, the symbol of PML-N, emphasizing the PPP’s commitment to uniting the country and focusing on the welfare of the people.

Bilawal Bhutto Zardari directed criticism towards Nawaz Sharif, suggesting that if elected for a fourth term, Sharif would engage in political vendettas, harming the nation with personal revenge. He warned against giving Sharif another term and encouraged voters to support the PPP’s vision for a united and prosperous Pakistan.

Also Read: Bilawal Urges PTI Workers to Back PPP, Promises End to ‘Politics of Revenge’

Highlighting the PPP’s 10-point electoral agenda, Bilawal outlined key promises, including the doubling of people’s incomes, the provision of 300 units of free electricity, the construction of three million houses with ownership rights for women, and the regularization of slums. He pledged to increase the Benazir Income Support Programme (BISP) to combat poverty, provide interest-free loans to women, and issue farmer cards for small-scale farmers.

Bilawal Bhutto Zardari addressed economic disparities, criticizing the annual subsidy of Rs1,500 billion given to the elite. He promised to redirect this subsidy to benefit poor farmers, initiate a crop insurance scheme, and implement programs like the ‘labour card’ for workers and the ‘youth card’ for the younger population. Bilawal expressed gratitude for the warm welcome in Chiniot and recalled previous visits during elections and floods, noting the enthusiasm of the people.
