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Milk Boycott Organised by Consumers Association for Fair Prices

Milk Boycott Organised by Consumers Association for Fair Prices

The Consumers Association of Pakistan (CAP) recently announced a week-long boycott of pricey milk in order to express their rights and effect change. Recognising their collective power, consumers are banding together to fight outrageous milk costs.

CAP Chairman Kaukab Iqbal addressed the public at a press conference, urging the Karachi Commissioner to take prompt action to guarantee that milk is sold at the government-mandated pricing.

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The government has set the milk price at Rs. 180, but the dairy association is rejecting this figure and adding Rs. 20 to the price. This disparity is problematic, especially for lower and middle-class families dealing with growing inflation and finding it increasingly difficult to purchase milk for their children and households.

In response to these conditions, CAP, which represents consumers across the country, has launched a proactive boycott campaign that will span one week, beginning tomorrow. Consumers who actively participate in this campaign want to persuade dairy farmers to lower their pricing.

