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PM Shehbaz meets with IMF chairman for the third time to seek a bailout package.

PM Shehbaz meets with IMF chairman for the third time to seek a bailout package.

Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif met with Kristalina Georgieva, Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), for the third time in Paris, reiterating Pakistan’s resolve to complete the loan programme.

The meeting took place before the prime minister’s departure for London and focused on discussions about a new funding deal on the fringes of the world leaders’ summit.

During the meeting, Prime Minister Shehbaz expressed gratitude to IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde for recognising Pakistan’s economic position. He reaffirmed Pakistan’s determination to achieve all of its commitments and emphasised the importance of foreign help in overcoming severe economic challenges.

Despite the additional burden imposed by floods in Pakistan, the prime minister stated that the government has provided relief to its citizens. He stated that the people of Pakistan are entitled to help as a result of the enormous hardships inflicted by economic challenges.

“We seek to strike a balance between providing relief to the people and acknowledging economic realities,” he said, emphasising the significance of revitalising the country’s economy in order to meet IMF targets.

Read more : PM to reach out ‘people if IMF deal is prolonged’ stated at Inauguration in Lahore

The prime minister emphasised the importance of taking considerable steps to rebuild an economy that suffered during the previous government’s four-year mandate. He went on to say that economic recovery will help the IMF meet its targets. Pakistan, he said, would always keep its commitments and promises to the international community.

The IMF director praised the prime minister’s resolve. PM Shehbaz encouraged abroad Pakistanis to be wary of false propaganda and disinformation aimed at tarnishing the image of Pakistan and its institutions in a tweet on Saturday.

The prime minister emphasised that the country cherishes and takes pride in the accomplishments of its foreign nationals as committed sons and daughters of the homeland who have a strong attachment to their homeland.

“I explained to them the circumstances surrounding the coalition government’s election, as well as the enormous economic, diplomatic, and political challenges we have faced over the past year,” the prime minister said.

He also emphasised the sad events of May 9, particularly the purposeful and calculated buildup to the Black Day.
