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Shehbaz Highlights Chinese Modernization as Catalyst for Growth Centers

Shehbaz Highlights Chinese Modernization as Catalyst for Growth Centers

Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif of Pakistan expressed gratitude for the warm congratulations and continued support from Chinese President Xi Jinping after his election. Speaking to Xinhua at the Prime Minister’s Office in Islamabad, Shehbaz emphasized the longstanding friendship between Pakistan and China, describing it as a unique bond that has endured over 70 years and must now reach new heights.


Drawing inspiration from China’s modernization, Shehbaz emphasized the need for Pakistan to emulate the Chinese model, which he hailed as a success story. He highlighted China’s remarkable achievements in lifting millions out of poverty and providing access to education, healthcare, and employment, even amidst challenges.

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Shehbaz underscored Pakistan’s commitment to learning from China’s experience to address poverty, promote youth employment, and encourage entrepreneurship across various sectors. He also expressed Pakistan’s firm support for initiatives like the Group of Friends of the Global Development Initiative and the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), noting their potential to strengthen global cooperation.

Regarding the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), a flagship project under the BRI, Shehbaz outlined plans to move into its second phase, focusing on technological development and agriculture. He highlighted efforts to streamline investment processes and establish industrial parks and export zones to attract Chinese joint ventures, particularly in sectors like textiles and steel.

Shehbaz praised China’s role in promoting Pakistan’s economic progress through initiatives like CPEC, expressing gratitude for China’s support. He also discussed Pakistan’s plans to transition towards electrified transport systems and clean energy technologies, with an aim to reduce import fuel costs and boost development.

In conclusion, Shehbaz expressed eagerness to strengthen Pakistan-China ties further, reaffirming their commitment to mutual cooperation and enduring friendship. He emphasized the importance of working together through challenges and opportunities, echoing the sentiment that “China is our second home.”;
