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Businesses and Properties of Illegal immigrants to be ceased(Impact on Real Estate)

In a bold move to tackle the issue of illegal immigration and unauthorized property ownership, the caretaker government of Pakistan has set a deadline of November 1 for foreign nationals residing unlawfully in the country to leave voluntarily. Interim Interior Minister Sarfraz Bugti made this announcement during a press conference following a high-level apex committee meeting on the National Action Plan (NAP).

Minister Bugti emphasized that all state law enforcement agencies will be mobilized to take action against illegal foreign nationals, and they will face deportation after the November 1 deadline. Additionally, he announced that properties and businesses owned by these illegal foreign nationals would be subject to seizure once the deadline expires.

Moreover, Bugti warned that any Pakistani citizens found to be involved in illegal businesses or benefiting significantly from partnerships with illegal foreign nationals would also face legal consequences.

Read more:Illegal immigrants to Leave Pakistan by Nov 1

To oversee and monitor these actions, a task force has been established within the Interior Ministry. Bugti stressed that the safety and security of Pakistan’s citizens are the government’s top priorities.

The task force, comprising officials from law enforcement and intelligence agencies, will launch a crackdown on individuals possessing fake Computerized National Identity Cards (CNICs) and confiscate properties belonging to illegal immigrants. The National Database & Registration Authority (Nadra) has been directed to promptly cancel fake CNICs. To confirm the nationality of individuals with suspected CNICs, DNA testing will be employed.

Furthermore, the government plans to introduce a universal helpline number and a web portal to collect information related to illegal immigrants, fraudulent CNICs, smuggling, and hoarding. Citizens will have the option to provide information anonymously.

In a related development, the caretaker government announced its intention to expel nearly 1.1 million foreigners who are residing in Pakistan illegally, citing security concerns. The eviction process will unfold in phases, beginning with the removal of illegal aliens and individuals who fail to renew their visas. Subsequent phases will focus on deporting Afghan citizens residing in Pakistan and possessing proof of residence cards.

Officials have expressed concerns about the security risks posed by illegally resident foreigners, particularly those involved in funding, facilitating, and smuggling terrorists. The government has also noted that a significant number of Afghans have failed to renew their proof of residence in Pakistan.

The Ministry of Interior has collaborated with stakeholders and the Afghan government to develop a comprehensive plan for the eviction of illegally residing individuals. Additionally, preparations are underway to compile records of Afghans living in Pakistan without permits and to facilitate their transportation to the Afghan border.

In light of these sweeping measures, authorities are prioritizing the thorough examination of records for all Afghan residents in Pakistan and expeditious handling of registration applications for Afghan nationals. The government is taking robust action to address the complex issue of illegal immigration and property ownership, emphasizing the importance of national security and law enforcement.
