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CDA continues to miss the deadlines on several development projects.

With numerous major projects either falling behind schedule or moving slowly, the Capital Development Authority (CDA) in Islamabad is encountering delays in the advancement of its development plans.

The Bhara Kahu Bypass is one such project, and it was launched by the prime minister Shehbaz Sharif in October 2022 with a goal completion date of January 2023. The project is still incomplete despite several extensions of the deadline. The ongoing delays are a result of legal conflicts with Quaid-i-Azam University as well as a slew of mishaps.

This 5-kilometer road, which includes a 1-kilometer flyover, must be finished as soon as possible since it serves as a primary route to well-known tourist attractions including Murree, Galiat, and Azad.

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The $6.5 billion project travels from Murree Road, next to Quaid-i-Azam University, to the Jugi bus station, just next to Punjab Cash & Carry. The flyover would extend from Murree to Bhara Kahu market. Similar problems have plagued the Margalla Avenue road project, which has a six-month timetable extension but was initially expected to be finished in June 2022.

Although the project is physically 95% complete, with the exception of a one-kilometer portion, disagreements with the contractor and the residents have delayed the project’s planned inauguration in March 2023. The 10.4-kilometer-long, Rs. 2 billion Margalla Avenue road runs from GT Road to D-12. Despite the CDA’s assurances, the project’s completion has yet to get a fresh announcement.

Similar difficulties were encountered when IJP Road was being renovated and widened. The CDA has fallen short of the completion date, which was originally slated for April 2023. The project, estimated at Rs. 4.9 billion, also include the building of two flyovers, two bridges and seven culverts in addition to road restoration. The bridges will be erected at Kattarian and Pirwadhai, while the flyovers will be built over 9th Avenue and IJP Road.

Additionally, the 10th Avenue project’s development has all but stopped. Although the deadline for completion was originally set for September 2023, there is currently no evidence of work being made on the project.

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There are ongoing traffic problems as a result of the Islamabad Expressway’s expansion from Koral to T-Chowk on G.T. Road, which is moving too slowly. The CDA appears to have ignored the initiative.

According to insiders with the CDA’s engineering division, following the transition of power in government last year, Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif gave development projects in Islamabad top priority. The development works, however, suffered as a result of his political obligations and two changes in CDA presidency in a single year. When previous Chairman Amir Ali Ahmed left the authority, several projects that had been started under the aggressive time frames set during his leadership were moving forward quickly. Muhammad Usman, who succeeded him, successfully oversaw these initiatives up to his resignation from the CDA.

Unfortunately, the current Chairman, Noor-ul-Amin Mengal, has been unable to give the development projects his full attention, which has led to continued delays. The CDA’s Assistant Director of Public Relations, Kamran Qurashi, acknowledged the delays caused by a series of accidents on the Bhara Kahu Bypass. Margalla Avenue has been finished, but there are still certain problems that need to be resolved, he added. He said that the IJP Road will be finished on the 29th, with a one-month delay because of additional work.

He mentioned that Phase I of the signal-free corridor for the Islamabad Motorway is behind schedule, while Phase II is still on schedule. He also noted the difficulties the 10th Avenue project is having with encroachments and government funds.
