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ChatGPT Now Accessible Without Account Requirement

ChatGPT Now Accessible Without Account Requirement

OpenAI has announced plans to enhance accessibility to its AI tools, starting with making ChatGPT usable without requiring an account. Previously, users needed an account to access the AI chatbot, which was launched in November 2022.

Despite already boasting a substantial user base of over 100 million people across more than 185 countries, OpenAI aims to further expand its reach with this update by removing the login requirement, thus lowering the barrier to entry for potential users.

It’s important to note that while the ability to use ChatGPT without an account is being rolled out gradually worldwide, it may not be immediately available to all users.

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By default, OpenAI utilizes interactions with ChatGPT to enhance its models for all users. However, individuals who prefer not to have their interactions recorded by the chatbot can easily disable this feature through Settings, even without an account.

While creating an account offers certain benefits such as the ability to save chats for later review, as well as unlocking features like custom instructions and voice interactions, it is not mandatory for using ChatGPT.

Additionally, OpenAI has announced the implementation of “additional content safeguards,” which will broaden the scope of blocked prompts and generations across various categories. However, specific details regarding these safeguards have not yet been disclosed.
