Breaking News

CM Maryam Faces Backlash for Police Uniform Incident

CM Maryam Faces Backlash for Police Uniform Incident

Punjab Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz found herself embroiled in controversy after she appeared at a passing out parade wearing a police uniform. Images of CM Maryam Nawaz in the uniform quickly spread on social media, igniting a wave of outrage and prompting legal action.

Responding to the unexpected attire, a lawyer swiftly filed a petition in the sessions court, seeking the registration of a case against the Chief Minister for allegedly violating regulations by wearing law enforcement attire. The petitioner argued that as neither a government official nor a member of the provincial police force, CM Maryam Nawaz lacked the authority to don a police uniform. The petition, filed under sections 22-A and B of the Criminal Procedure Code (CR.P.C), called for the initiation of criminal proceedings against the PML-N leader, naming the SHO of Old Anarkali police station as a respondent.

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Earlier that day, CM Maryam had participated in a guard of honor and presented awards to top performers at the Police Training College, highlighting her government’s commitment to increasing female representation within the police force. Despite her efforts to commend women in law enforcement and advocate for the rule of law, her choice of attire sparked significant backlash.

This controversy emerged amidst ongoing public scrutiny following a tragic incident involving one of CM Maryam’s security vehicles, which led to the accidental death of a young person in Narowal. In an attempt to console the grieving family, CM Maryam offered a compensation cheque worth Rs. 2.5 million. However, the gesture failed to resonate positively with the public, further intensifying criticism surrounding her actions.
