Breaking News

DI Khan Attack: 3 Security Personnel Martyred, 12 Injured

Dera Ismail Khan, Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa: In a brazen act of terrorism, a suicide attack targeted security forces in the Daraban School of the Dera Ismail Khan district, leaving three security personnel martyred and injuring 12 others.

According to police reports, the assault commenced around 3 am when terrorists, employing a vehicle-borne improvised explosive device (VBIED), forcefully rammed into the Daraban School, causing its structural collapse and widespread devastation in the vicinity.

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Following the vehicular attack, the assailants managed to infiltrate the school premises, amplifying the chaos. Concurrently, the nearby Daraban police station came under attack, triggering swift retaliation from both police and security forces against the aggressors.

The aftermath of this harrowing incident has resulted in the closure of all markets and bazaars in Daraban today. Additionally, as a precautionary measure, both government and private educational institutions have been ordered to cease operations until further notice, ensuring the safety of the residents.

The tragic loss of three security personnel and the injuries sustained by a dozen others highlight the gravity of this calculated assault. Authorities are actively investigating the attack and have vowed to bring the perpetrators to justice.

The resilience and prompt response exhibited by security forces in the face of adversity have been lauded, emphasizing the unwavering commitment to safeguarding the region against such heinous acts of violence.

Residents and officials alike stand united in condemning this cowardly attack, rallying together to support the affected families and striving for a collective stance against terrorism in the region.
