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Doctors advise eating less meat this Eid Al Adha.

Doctors advise eating less meat this Eid Al Adha.

Red meat consumption has a significant impact on cholesterol and heart health.

Dubai: Overindulging in meat preparations during Eid Al Adha celebrations can be harmful to your health, and specialists advise eating meat in moderation. During Eid Al Adha, most hospitals report a large number of patients with gastritis, diarrhoea, and vomiting who present to the emergency department.

‘People tend to consume meat preparations for breakfast, lunch, and dinner,’ said Dr Rania Fauzy, General Practitioner of Internal Medicine at Medcare Hospital Sharjah. Meat is difficult to digest, and excessive eating of red meat after ten days of fasting causes indigestion, colic gastritis, vomiting, and diarrhoea, with a 30% increase during this period.”

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Aside from a high incidence of stomach complaints, red meat consumption has a far-reaching impact on cholesterol and heart health, and is likely to provoke cardiac episodes and result in a greater incidence of artery thickening. Doctors warn that even consuming a lot of red meat for a few days can be harmful to people who already have high cholesterol, obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease.

“According to the American Dietary Association’s recommendations, it is not advisable to eat more than 150 to 200 gm of red meat in a day,” DrJuliottVinolia, clinical dietician and head of the nutrition department at Medeor 24/7, told Gulf News.

Dr. Fauzy urged people to be more choosy in their eating habits and to limit their meat consumption. “Even two days of high meat eating can trigger an increase in LDL-P. Many Arab families enjoy eating fat-laden red meat, which is quite unhealthy. A single piece of veal, for example, contains 800 calories, and consuming that many calories can affect your digestion, as the stomach is already highly sensitive after ten days of fasting.”

How to Limit Meat Consumption

1.Portion control is essential. Limit your red meat consumption to less than 200 grammes, even if you have to eat it for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

2.To balance out the acidic effect of red meat, provide soups, steamed vegetables, and salads.

3.Avoid excessively curried meat because it is heavy in oil, too hot, and may irritate your digestive tract. If you must eat, limit yourself to grills and stir-fried meat recipes.

4.When purchasing beef pieces from the butcher, ensure that all fat is removed.

5.Use less salt and avoid cured red meat to limit your sodium intake.
