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Donald Trump Calls for Top US General to Face Execution Over Alleged Treason

In a recent social media post, former US President Donald Trump voiced his criticism of Mark Milley, who serves as the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Trump’s remarks, made last Friday, pertained to a phone call that occurred in the aftermath of the January 6 Capitol insurrection. In his post, Trump even suggested that the top US military official should be subject to severe consequences.

Milley had previously explained, in September 2021, that the purpose of the phone call in question was to provide reassurance to China. Specifically, he conveyed that Trump had no intentions of initiating any hostilities against the country as a response to the events of January 6.

Milley underscored that, at the time, his primary objective was to reduce tensions and effectively communicate the President’s directives and intentions to China. He further emphasized that there were no plans for any US military action against China.

Additionally, The Atlantic disclosed that the phone call had received explicit authorization from officials within the Trump administration.

In his recent post on Truth Social last Friday, Trump conveyed his strong disapproval, implying that in previous times, such an action might have merited the most severe punishment, even potentially sparking a conflict between China and the United States.

Adding to the critiques, Paul Gosar, a far-right Republican, accused Milley of being responsible for the delayed deployment of the National Guard on January 6. In his email newsletter, Gosar used inflammatory language and made unsubstantiated allegations.

Milley’s team actively monitors discussions about him in various media outlets. This practice, while facing criticism from certain individuals, underscores Milley’s prominent role in military politics.

Throughout his career, Milley has demonstrated political savvy and skillfully navigated the demands of the Trump administration with discretion. Despite maintaining an apolitical stance, he collaborated with members of both political parties to fulfill his responsibilities in the inherently politicized environment of Washington.

During Trump’s final term, Milley faced criticism from GOP lawmakers and Trump’s allies who accused him of promoting a “woke” military and undermining civilian control. Milley has firmly refuted these claims, asserting that the military is not “woke” and emphasizing the importance of accurate information in discussions concerning the military’s culture and priorities.
