The Punjab government has announced a major initiative to support top-performing students, with Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz approving the coverage of all educational expenses for students who secure top positions across all educational boards in Punjab. This program aims to benefit 25,000 students, ensuring they can pursue their studies without financial burden.
In addition to covering educational costs, the Chief Minister has directed the launch of a transport program specifically for female students, along with the establishment of IT hubs in every district of Punjab. These steps are part of a broader educational reform plan that includes the revival of the Chief Minister’s laptop scheme, with necessary measures already being instructed.
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Moreover, a unique aspect of this initiative is the reward program for teachers, where one teacher of each top-performing student will be recognized. The Chief Minister has also approved a scholarship program aimed at further supporting students in their educational pursuits.
To fund these initiatives, the Punjab government will allocate an annual budget of Rs 125 billion. In the first phase, buses will be provided to 60 girls’ colleges across the province, ensuring that female students have access to safe and reliable transportation.