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Embrace Feedback for Success!

Feedback is indeed a valuable tool for personal and professional growth. It provides insights into our performance and helps us identify areas for improvement. However, the way feedback is perceived can vary from person to person. Usually, people either interpret it as criticism or dismiss it, saying they don’t care. Some may become discouraged and leave their job, believing they can’t achieve anything in their life. The third type can be quite challenging, as they start trolling those who dare to provide feedback, reflecting it in a harsh manner that leads others to regret offering advice to such individuals.
During a Friday noon prayer gathering at the Prophet’s mosque in Madina, Umar, the Caliph, prepared to lead the congregation. He began his address after some Quranic recitation, but a bold young man stood up and demanded an explanation before they would listen further. This young man had noticed that Umar had more cloth than others, and he questioned why the Caliph had received a double share from the Baitul Mal (treasury). Umar asked the young man for clarification, to which he explained the situation. It turned out that Umar, being tall, needed additional cloth, and his son Abdullah had given him his own piece to meet his needs. This explanation satisfied the congregation, and they agreed to listen to Umar’s address.
Let’s replace the term “criticism” with “feedback,” viewing it as a “scorecard” that highlights our strengths and areas needing attention for development. The most common reason for the failure of Fortune 500 companies was their tendency to ignore feedback. Why did these companies disappear from the Fortune rankings? The reason was singular. They preferred hearing “all is well” and surrounded themselves with individuals who only presented favorable aspects while concealing their flaws. Anyone with the courage to reveal the true picture would become anonymous. Ultimately, the entire organization became anonymous. The habit of seeking the truth is just as crucial as speaking it.
Feedback is indeed a breakfast for champions. A robust breakfast provides us with the energy to tackle the day and makes us stronger. So, let’s replace criticism with feedback. It is essentially a scorecard that displays our performance, highlights our mistakes that we may have overlooked, and keeps us on the right path.
Now, ask yourself, shouldn’t we appreciate those who provide feedback (even if it comes with some spices that can be ignored)? Change criticism to feedback. Make people realized hat you are open for their opinions. Appreciate all who take interest in your personality. (this is why they take notice & inform you). Ask people that which action & sentence lead you to set this opinion.
In conclusion, feedback emerges as a vital catalyst for personal and professional development, shedding light on our performance and areas for refinement. Yet, the diverse ways individuals perceive feedback can either encourage growth or foster resistance. Embracing feedback as the breakfast for champions empowers us to tackle challenges and stay on the right path. As we strive for excellence, let’s replace criticism with feedback to invite diverse viewpoints and move towards excellence.

Muhammad Ehsan Ullah

Mohammad Ehsan Ullah, affiliated with a Media Group, has demonstrated expertise in management, leadership, and collaborative engagement. As a seasoned professional, Ehsan has made significant contributions to professional development through impactful training sessions for professionals from renowned organizations. Serving as a respected visiting faculty member, he imparts knowledge in business management subjects and delivers public lectures at esteemed institutions. With an MBA from the leading business school, IBA, Ehsan's scholarly interests span management and finance.
