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Eminem’s Fake Death News Upsets Fans

Eminem's Fake Death News Upsets Fans

False rumors of American rapper Eminem’s death created chaos on social media after misinformation surfaced on Google searches, incorrectly stating that he had passed away on December 10th, 2023, in Madison, Wisconsin. The confusion originated from a misleading edit on Eminem’s Wikipedia page, leading to a rapid spread of false death reports.

Enraged fans took to platforms like Twitter, expressing frustration and disbelief at the misinformation circulating online.

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Statements such as “Google saying #Eminem died… what kind of stupidity is this?” and “Whoever edited Eminem’s wiki to say he died, buzz you. I nearly had a heart attack” filled social media feeds.

This isn’t the first time false death reports have surrounded Eminem. Previous conspiracy theories have fueled similar rumors, causing “RIP Eminem” to trend on social media. Despite the fervor online, no official reports have confirmed Eminem’s death. It appears the misinformation originated solely from an erroneous edit on his Wikipedia page, triggering unnecessary panic among fans.Top of Form
