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Evolution of Art 75: A Look at Presidential Assent in the 1973 Constitution

The journey of Article 75 within Pakistan’s 1973 Constitution reveals a nuanced transformation in the dynamics of presidential assent. Notably, this evolution challenges any notion of deeming assent to have been granted after a mere 10 days.

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  1. Genesis of Art 75: In its initial form, Art 75 allowed the President a concise seven-day window for granting assent. Failure to do so led to the automatic deeming of assent.
  2. The Winds of Change (1985): A pivotal moment arrived in 1985 when the President’s office gained significant empowerment. This was marked by the addition of Art 75(2), granting the President the prerogative to return a bill to Parliament for reconsideration. Significantly, this amendment waved goodbye to the concept of “deemed assent.”
  3. The 18th Amendment: The constitutional narrative saw another twist with the 18th Amendment. Deemed assent was resurrected, but exclusively for Art 75(2), when the President received a bill back from Parliament after reconsideration.

What stands out is that the original Article 75 was not fully reinstated, and the notion of “deemed consent” found no place in Art 75(1).

This intricate constitutional journey underscores the need for a comprehensive understanding of Pakistan’s legislative landscape, where even subtle changes can hold profound implications.
