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Ex-PM Imran Khan Arrested in Toshakhana case

Ex-PM Imran Khan Arrested in Toshakhana case

Islamabad – Imran Khan, the former prime minister and leader of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI), has been arrested in connection with the Toshakhana case. According to media reports, the 70-year-old PTI chief was detained in Lahore and will be moved to Islamabad, the federal capital, for further legal proceedings.
In response to the court’s orders, a significant number of Lahore police hurried to Zaman Park, the renowned residence of the PTI leader, to carry out the arrest. Imran Khan, who is currently going through one of the most challenging periods in his political career, had an arrest warrant issued against him by a trial court, resulting in a three-year prison sentence. The Inspector General of Islamabad Police received immediate orders to apprehend the former prime minister after the verdict was announced in a corruption case.

Read more : Ex-PM Imran Khan disqualified and sentenced to 3 years jail Toshakhana case
To prevent any potential mass protests in reaction to the highly anticipated arrest, law enforcement authorities in the provincial capital are on high alert, with a contingent of Lahore police stationed around Zaman Park. Additionally, several areas, including the route from Canal Road to Mall Road and Dharmapura, have been closed for traffic.
Earlier today, Judge Humayun Dilawar declared Imran Khan guilty of corrupt practices in the Toshakhana case and handed down the sentence. The judge asserted that the charges of graft against the former prime minister were substantiated, as he had provided false information to the electoral authority.
Previously, the Islamabad High Court had rejected the lower court’s verdict that deemed the Toshakhana reference against Imran Khan as valid for criminal proceedings. Furthermore, PTI’s appeal to transfer the case to another court was also rejected.
This marks the second time that the former prime minister has been detained in connection with a graft case, as he had previously faced another arrest.
Imran Khan, who is currently 70 years old, has been dealing with over 150 cases since his removal from the premiership. He vehemently denies all allegations of corrupt practices, stating that the charges are politically motivated by his rivals.
It is worth noting that his arrest and disqualification have been linked to the upcoming national elections scheduled to be held later this year in Pakistan.
