Breaking News

First international flight lands at Skardu Airport

Uncertainty regarding Nawaz Sharif comeback

A significant milestone was achieved as the first-ever international flight originating from Dubai landed at Skardu Airport. The flight, designated as PK-234, departed from Dubai at 4:15 am with 80 passengers on board and completed its journey with a smooth landing at Skardu International Airport after a 4-hour and 30-minute duration.

The aircraft’s arrival at the airport was celebrated with a ceremonial water cannon salute and the presentation of flower bouquets to the passengers, marking this historic moment. The Chief Secretary of Gilgit-Baltistan shared the news on Twitter, describing it as a step toward promoting tourism and enhancing regional connectivity, bringing Skardu closer to the rest of the world.

Read more : Skardu First International Flight from Dubai on Independence Day

The first international flight to Skardu took off from Dubai on Pakistan’s 76th Independence Day, August 14, bringing joy to Pakistan’s Ambassador to the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Faisal Niaz Tirmizi. Tirmizi encouraged travelers to capture and share Pakistan’s beauty through visual stories and praised the Ministry of Civil Aviation and the GB administration for their contributions in making this historic flight a reality.

This achievement follows a surge in tourism signaled by the successful connection of Skardu with major cities across Pakistan through 12 Airbus A320 flights last month. Dramatic scenes were witnessed at Skardu as the historic international flight landed, with the pilot waving the national flag from the cockpit window, signifying the significance of this momentous event.
