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Five Held for Chopping Off Camel’s Leg In Sangarh

Five Held for Chopping Off Camel's Leg In Sangarh

In Sanghar, Sindh, a local court has ordered the detention of five individuals by the police for severing a camel’s leg.

According to the Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) in Sanghar, two of the five suspects, namely Abdul Shakoor Shar and Abid Shar, have admitted their involvement in the investigation.

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Meanwhile, the injured camel has been transported to Karachi for medical treatment.

In a shocking incident in Mund Jamrao village, Sanghar district, a landlord allegedly amputated a camel’s leg as punishment for the animal grazing in his field for fodder.

Police reported that the incident took place on Friday, sparking widespread outrage.

Soomer Khan, the owner of the camel, recounted the incident alongside his wounded animal at the Sanghar press club. “I have no personal disputes with anyone. I am at a loss to understand why this cruel act was committed against my camel,” he lamented.

Following the viral spread of a video showing the camel with its leg severed, the Sanghar SSP promptly initiated action.

Law enforcement officials stated that the camel’s owner declined to identify the perpetrator and press charges, prompting the police to file a First Information Report (FIR) on behalf of the state against unidentified persons under sections 429 and 34 of the Pakistan Penal Code (PPC).
