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Foreign currencies worth billions seized in Rawalpindi plaza raid

Foreign currencies worth billions seized in Rawalpindi plaza raid

A successful operation by the Commercial Banking Circle of the Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) in Shamsabad resulted in the discovery of a staggering sum of foreign and domestic currency, amounting to billions of rupees.

The raid is a component of a nationwide campaign exchange companies are conducting against hundi and hawala enterprises.

Following this operation, comprehensive proof on illegal trade activity was gathered. A residence was the subject of a subsequent raid in Rawalpindi, which resulted in the confiscation of 13 computerised iron lockers containing substantial amounts of cash in both local and foreign currencies. In relation to these operations, two people were detained.

The agency’s team crashed the outer walls and heard a booming sound, which proved an empty space behind. On breaking the wall, they found a small secret door behind which lay 13 large iron lockers. Security systems and cameras were also installed on the premises. According to reports, the FIA team and the plaza owner engaged in a bitter tiff over the uncovered money.

The plaza owner insisted that the authorities leave the money on site, while the FIA team said the recovered money would be seized.

Later, the FIA called the police for assistance. A preliminary report has been sent to the higher authorities, said the agency. When the plaza owner Sheikh Iftikhar Adil was contacted and asked about the seizure of the money, he said no bank was operating on the premises, it was reported.

The agency’s squad crashed into the outer walls and heard an explosion, which indicated that there was nothing behind it. They discovered a little hidden door after breaching the wall, and inside were 13 massive iron lockers. On-site security systems and cameras were also installed. The unearthed money reportedly caused a furious argument between the FIA team and the plaza owner.

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The proprietor of the plaza insisted that the cash be left alone, but the FIA team maintained that the money would be seized.

Later, the FIA requested assistance from the police. The agency informed the higher authorities that a preliminary report had been sent. When the owner of the plaza, Sheikh Iftikhar Adil, was contacted and questioned about the money’s seizure.

He said the money saved in the lockers was business transaction about which a money trail had been provided to FIA. He also denied that any foreign currency was recovered from the lockers.
