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Foreign Minister: No Change in Country’s Stance on Israel

Foreign Minister: No Change in Country's Stance on Israel

Caretaker Foreign Minister Jalil Abbas Jilani has reaffirmed Pakistan’s long-standing stance on Israel, emphasizing that there is “no change” in the country’s policy regarding Israel. He underscored that Pakistan’s policy is firmly linked to the rights of the Palestinian people.

Despite recent speculations and concerns in Pakistan, the caretaker foreign minister made it clear that recognizing Israel without a permanent resolution to the Palestinian conflict would not alter the country’s position on the longstanding issue of Jammu and Kashmir.

Pakistan does not maintain diplomatic relations with Israel and adheres to the “two-state solution” as defined by relevant United Nations and Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) resolutions, in accordance with international law. This solution entails the establishment of two states with pre-1967 borders and Jerusalem as the capital of Palestine.

Also Read: Foreign Minister Jilani Affirms No Plans for Recognition of Israel

This statement from Minister Jilani marks the second time he has addressed Pakistan’s stance on Israel within the past week. Earlier, he had stated that Pakistan’s decision to recognize Israel would be determined by its national interests as well as the interests of the Palestinian people.

His remarks come in response to comments made by Israeli Foreign Minister Eli Cohen, who suggested that several Muslim countries could establish peace with Israel if a deal with Saudi Arabia were realized. However, Jilani stated that he did not meet with his Israeli counterpart.

Jilani emphasized that Pakistan’s position on the issue aligns with its national interests and the fundamental principle of ensuring an independent Palestinian state with borders based on the pre-1967 borders, a stance Pakistan has reiterated in various meetings and forums.

Observers believe that any agreement between Israel and Saudi Arabia, a country that has historically championed the Palestinian cause, could put pressure on other nations, including Pakistan, to reconsider their policies. Pakistan has traditionally resisted international pressure to recognize Israel, maintaining that any such move should be contingent upon a resolution of the Palestinian issue.Top of Form
