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Global greetings mark Pakistan’s Independence Day

Global greetings mark Pakistan's Independence Day

As Pakistan marked its 76th Independence Day, the nation received an outpouring of goodwill from friendly nations and foreign dignitaries. United States Secretary of State Antony Blinken extended his best wishes to the Pakistani people, expressing not only support but also the enduring significance of the 76-year-old U.S.-Pakistan relationship. Blinken’s message echoed the desire to strengthen the partnership, outlining key areas of focus: inclusive economic growth, energy security, and the promotion of peace and regional stability. His commitment to democratic principles and the rule of law underpins the future trajectory of this crucial bilateral association.

China, a steadfast strategic ally of Pakistan, reaffirmed its dedication to friendship on this significant occasion. The Chinese embassy in Pakistan took the opportunity to felicitate Islamabad and express unwavering support, stating that “On the way to prosperity, China always stands with Pakistan.” This sentiment reflects the depth of the collaboration between the two nations, as they work in harmony to achieve mutual development goals and navigate regional challenges.

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The convergence of messages from the United States and China underscores the importance of Pakistan’s role on the global stage. These well-wishes, coming from two major powers with distinct geopolitical interests, highlight the international recognition of Pakistan’s significance and the potential for impactful collaborations. As Pakistan looks ahead, the support from these friendly nations not only celebrates its past but also lays the foundation for a prosperous and stable future, fostering cooperation that extends beyond mere diplomatic formalities.
