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Gold Rates in Pakistan, Dec18

Gold continued its upward trajectory on Monday, marking a promising start to the week for the precious yellow metal. As of December 18, 2023, here are the latest gold rates in Pakistan:

Gold Rates in Pakistan:

  • 24 Karat Gold:
    • Each tola is valued at Rs218,900
    • 10 grams are being sold at Rs187,670
  • 22 Karat Gold:
    • A single tola stands at Rs200,657

International Gold Market:

Notably, the global price of gold is witnessing a steady increase, currently standing at $2022 per ounce.


The ongoing ascent in gold prices in Pakistan echoes the trends observed in international markets. The persistent rise signifies a growing demand for this precious metal. Factors such as economic uncertainties, geopolitical tensions, and fluctuations in currency values often drive investors towards the stability and value retention that gold offers.

Impact on Consumers and Markets:

For consumers in Pakistan, these escalating prices may influence purchasing patterns and investment decisions. The higher rates may prompt considerations regarding the timing and quantity of gold-related transactions.

In global financial arenas, the climb in gold prices could potentially impact various sectors, from commodities trading to currency markets, as investors recalibrate portfolios and assess risk amid this market movement.

Future Outlook:

While the current surge in gold prices reflects market dynamics, future fluctuations remain uncertain. Factors like economic policies, geopolitical developments, and the performance of other financial instruments will continue to influence the trajectory of gold prices in the coming days.
