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Health Experts Warn of Smog-Related Virus in Lahore

Lahore’s Health Crisis: Smog-Related Virus Sparks Concerns Amid Air Quality Crisis

A New Health Threat Emerges

Health experts in Lahore have raised alarm bells over a burgeoning health crisis linked to a new virus spurred by the city’s persistent smog. Pulmonologist Dr. Irfan Malik highlighted critical symptoms exhibited by those affected, encompassing high fever, body pain, stomach complications, and persistent coughing.

Rapid Spread and Impact

The virus has displayed a troubling trend of rapid transmission within households, resulting in an upsurge of 30 to 40 new cases reported daily across hospitals and private clinics. The demographic impact appears to heavily target the vulnerable, particularly children and the elderly, intensifying concerns about its potential implications.

Read more:Lahore Witnesses First Artificial Rain to Combat Smog

Covid Uncertainty and Testing Challenges

Expressing apprehension, Caretaker Minister of Health Dr. Javid Akram voiced concerns about the likelihood of the virus being a variant of Covid-19. The situation is further complicated by a lack of comprehensive Covid testing, exacerbating the challenge of identifying and containing the outbreak effectively.

 Air Quality Crisis Compounds Health Woes

Amid this health emergency, Lahore grapples with a persistent air quality index (AQI) of 351, catapulting it to the disconcerting distinction of being the most polluted city globally as of the latest recorded data on Saturday night. The confluence of this dire air quality and the emerging health crisis poses an escalating threat to the city’s populace.

Conclusion: Urgent Measures Required

As the smog-related virus continues its worrisome spread and the city’s air quality index lingers at hazardous levels, urgent measures are imperative to contain both the health crisis and the escalating environmental concerns. Lahore stands at a critical juncture, necessitating swift and concerted efforts from health authorities and environmental agencies to address this multi-faceted challenge and safeguard the well-being of its residents.
