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Hospitals in Islamabad on High Alert as Heatwave Warning is Issued

Hospitals in Islamabad on High Alert as Heatwave Warning is Issued

Following a heatwave warning issued by the Pakistan Meteorological Department, hospitals in the federal capital of Islamabad have been placed on high alert to handle any potential emergency situations. The authorities have taken proactive measures to ensure the preparedness of medical facilities in dealing with the extreme heat and its associated health risks.

Hospital Alert:

The Islamabad administration has sent a letter to the Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences (PIMS) and Polyclinics hospitals, urging them to be fully prepared for any medical emergencies that may arise during the ongoing hot weather. This precautionary step aims to ensure that hospitals are equipped to provide timely and efficient medical assistance to individuals affected by the heat wave.

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Precautionary Measures:

In light of the National Disaster Management Authority’s (NDMA) advisory, the public is encouraged to take necessary precautions to cope with the scorching heat and potentially harmful summer winds. The NDMA emphasizes the importance of using plain water instead of carbonated drinks and advises against venturing outdoors during the hottest hours of the day.

The advisory also recommends covering the head when going out in the sun, paying special attention to the well-being of vulnerable groups such as the sick, elderly, children, and pets. To maintain electrolyte balance, it suggests drinking lemon water and oral rehydration solution (ORS) to compensate for salt deficiency caused by excessive sweating. Wearing light and breathable clothing is also advised to stay comfortable in the heat.

Immediate Response to Heat-related Emergencies:

The NDMA further instructs the public on how to respond if someone faints due to the heat. In such cases, it is advised to pour cold water on the person’s head to help lower their body temperature and provide immediate relief.

With the heatwave warning in place, the authorities in Islamabad have taken swift action by putting hospitals on high alert to handle any potential health emergencies caused by the extreme weather conditions. It is essential for individuals to heed the NDMA’s precautionary measures, stay hydrated, and take necessary steps to protect themselves and vulnerable members of their community from the adverse effects of the heatwave. By remaining vigilant and following safety guidelines, everyone can mitigate the risks associated with high temperatures and ensure their well-being during this challenging weather period.
