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Number of Registered Doctors with PMDC Revealed

Number of Registered Doctors with PMDC Revealed

The Pakistan Medical and Dental Council (PMDC) has announced that the number of registered doctors under its jurisdiction has reached 274,994.

This achievement reflects the council’s commitment to the medical community and the improvement of healthcare services in Pakistan.

In just nine months, the PMDC’s Licensing Department has achieved significant milestones, including renewing 41,004 licenses, providing 13,208 provisional registrations for recent graduates, and granting 13,888 full registrations for doctors who have completed their house jobs.

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Additionally, 9,440 good-standing certificates were issued to doctors planning to work abroad.

The council has also supported medical professionals with postgraduate qualifications by granting 2,806 registrations.

The President of PMDC, Prof. Dr. Rizwan, emphasized the council’s dedication to facilitating doctors, students, and stakeholders for the benefit of Pakistan’s healthcare system. He urged all doctors to ensure the timely revalidation of their registration certificates.
