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Heavy rain fills Tarbela Dam to maximum capacity

Heavy rain fills Tarbela Dam to maximum capacity

Pakistan’s flagship water reservoir, Tarbela Dam, has recently hit its peak storage capacity, as confirmed by official sources. The driving forces behind this accomplishment are the rising temperatures combined with intermittent rainfall in the catchment areas of the mighty Indus River. This surge in water has raised the reservoir level to an impressive 1,550 feet above sea level, translating to a significant 5.809 million acre-feet (MAF) of water. As a result of this surge, all 17 power-generating units within the dam have been activated, harnessing its rated potential of 4,888 megawatts.

Looking ahead, Tarbela Dam’s energy generation capacity is set to experience further growth, with the anticipated completion of the 5th extension hydropower project. This project aims to elevate the dam’s capacity to a substantial 6,418 megawatts. Moreover, the dam’s dead level, which stands at 1,398 feet, underlines the extent of this achievement.

Read more : Govt will begin 5-hour long load-shedding across Pakistan.

This milestone has prompted the Indus River System Authority (IRSA) to issue guidelines for the controlled release of surplus water through spillways, preparing for an expected influx of water until August 20th. This proactive measure is aimed at efficiently managing the reservoir’s water levels to prevent potential issues.

The achievement of Tarbela Dam’s maximum conservation capacity has significant implications for Pakistan’s agriculture and energy sectors. It highlights the nation’s commitment to sustainable resource utilization and holds the potential to drive economic growth through increased renewable energy generation.
