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Imran Khan Foresees Jail Time but Confident in Election Win

Islamabad – The former Prime Minister Imran Khan, held in custody for four months, broke his silence, engaging with journalists for the first time since his arrest in early August.

During the open trial of the cipher case within Adiala Jail, Khan interacted with local media, unveiling surprising details about his arrest and addressing the resurgence of Nawaz Sharif.

The former PTI chief labeled the May 9 violence as part of what he termed the ‘London Plan,’ emphasizing that negotiations or deals were never presented to him. Khan expressed readiness to endure a prolonged jail term while confidently predicting a significant victory for Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) in the upcoming elections.

In his candid conversation, Khan expressed apprehension that his opponent might evade the polls due to public sentiment. He directed strong criticism toward former Army Chief Qamar Javed Bajwa, attributing him as the architect of his downfall. Khan indicated his intent to include General Bajwa and US embassy officials as witnesses in the cipher case, alleging that Bajwa acted under Donald Lu’s directives and hinted at summoning them to court.

The ousted party chairman labeled the May 9 violence as part of the ‘London Plan’ and condemned his arrest as unconstitutional. He lamented the extensive crackdown following the riots.

Moreover, Khan insinuated that the ‘London Plan’ aimed to facilitate Nawaz Sharif’s return and incarcerate PTI leaders. His statements shed light on a complex web of political dynamics and alleged conspiracies, hinting at a deeper game afoot within Pakistan’s political landscape.
